Men's Ministry
Men, ages 18 and up, gather regularly for a time of food, fellowship, recreation, and inspiration. Other activities for men include fishing trips, and retreats. Times and dates of special events will be announced. The men focus on building relationships with other men and with Jesus Christ.
Women's Ministry
Women of Worship, meet for a time of fellowship in our Fellowship Hall. Every meeting is different with Bible study, dinners, parties and prayer times are just some of the many activities you'll experience as a part of this group. They are committed to praying for and ministering to the needs of Missionaries, and are very active in many other Church ministries.
Youth Ministries
Youth Pastor: Jason Colston
Realizing young people are the future of the church, Our Church is committed to providing students with many opportunities for fellowship, fun, and, most importantly, spiritual growth. The group is for ages 12 to 18. What to expect ? – fun games, junk food, praise and worship, practical teaching about the Bible, various outings and camps.
Children's Church
Sundays, 10:30 AM
Children's Church is an exciting ministry that is especially designed for boys and girls 4 though 11 years of age. They enjoy puppets, Bible teaching, object lessons, games, and much more. This setting allows children to experience the things of God at their own level.
Girls Ministries
Missionettes is our program for mentoring girls. Their club meetings are Wednesday nights at 7:00 pm. Our girls are Elementary age.
The purpose of Missionettes Girls Ministries is to win girls to Jesus Christ, develop girls spiritually and mentally, provide encouragement, support, and accountability, provide an environment for girls to develop their gifts and abilities and to acquaint them with the Great Commission of Jesus Christ our Lord.
Royal Rangers
Our young boys elementary age meet every Wednesday night at 7:00 p.m. for Royal Rangers, the Assembly of God equivalent of Boy Scouts.
We instruct, challenge and inspire boys in the areas of Bible doctrine, Christian service, and moral conduct. We provide a variety of activities to reinforce these teachings such as camping, hiking, games, trips and physical fitness.